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Chuka University’s transformative Kairini dam

Chuka University’s transformative Kairini dam
December 1, 2021 Eastern Newspaper
In Uncategorized

Chuka V.C Erastus Njoka with other stakeholders in an inspection tour of the dam

The first dam in Tharaka Nithi County is now complete. The Kairini Mega Dam construction by Chuka University under the patronage of Vice-Chancellor Prof. Erastus Njoka is now ready as the next phase of preparing land for demonstration and training is ongoing.

The 15 million liter dam built on over 500 acres of land is a big win to Tharaka Nithi County farmers when it gets fully operational as it is set to offer agricultural training on modern farming, a move that is set to attract attention locally and internationally.

With water as one major problem facing residents in the county, the dam is set to solve the issue and save people from relying on boreholes for water and act as a big boost to residents struck with water issues.

“We are set bound to get enough water for farming and other domestic uses in our area”, a resident said.

Kairini dam falls in line with the Food Security Agenda under the government’s big four agenda with experts in charge of the project confident that in two years, organically grown crops will be on residents tables and reliance on food imports from other counties will be a thing of the past.

Tharaka Nithi County falls in the category of Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) and the construction is proof that dry areas in the country can be turned into food-producing areas. The dam also creates an opportunity for untapped potential in the area.

The project is set to open up the area to investors and scholars which will lead to infrastructure upgrade in the location and neighboring areas. The construction and maintenance of the dam has created job opportunities, creating employment for thousands of youths in the area.

Living standard for residents in the area is also set for a boost as the dam offers opportunities for small and micro-enterprises.

With inspection tours by Prof. Njoka to the area, the residents are hopeful that its completion will serve them a great deal with the realization of Don’s vision to make the county green alive.

The Kairini dam project undertaken with the help of dry land technologists from Israel will help irrigate a 100-acre model farm set up by Chuka University.

The University grows quality food products in its farms across the county in order to provide for the community. Among the products provided are Tomatoes, Kales, Sweet Potatoes, Black nightshade among others. They also have general sales days and are open anytime for the public.

The University through its rich agricultural personnel conducts farmers’ training and advises farmers on these products and how to best grow their yields.

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