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Counties eye  Mt Kenya tourism potential

Counties eye  Mt Kenya tourism potential
January 3, 2021 Eastern Newspaper
Road to mt Kenya from Meru County


By Eastern Correspondent

Meru and Tharaka Nithi counties are angling for a piece of Mt Kenya as a tourist destination.

The bid to tap mountain tourist to woo visitors, according to county government officials, is meant to attract big numbers in the region, as a source of revenue.

The government launched a bid to promote mountain tourism to spur economic growth in the region.

To achieve it, the administration upgraded roads going to the mountain.

The route upgrade cost the government Sh30 million.

Meru Deputy Governor Titus Ntuchiu and Trade, Tourism and Cooperatives Executive Maingi Mugambi said the administration was keen to promote mountain tourism as a means of generating income, developing infrastructure, and creating employment opportunities for locals.

Noting that mountain tourism had the potential to transform the tourism sector in Meru Mr. Ntuchiu said Lake Ellis, the forest, and Mt Kenya were gems that the administration wants to increase tourist numbers.

Mr. Ntuchiu said the administration was working to develop the Mt Kenya side in Meru which had very beautiful sights.

Mugambi said just like Brazil and the US had boosted their tourism potential through mountain tourism, the Meru government was keen to do the same.

He said tourism generates a lot of income hence the decision to popularize mountain tourism which has so far been an unexploited option, to boost numbers.

For a long time, hikers and other visitors to Mt Kenya preferred the Chogoria route, enjoying a wide range of flora and fauna on their way.

The Chogoria route in Tharaka-Nithi was once the preferred route for hikers, due to attractions, among them elephants, a lake, and other striking features.

In addition to the hiking experience from the Chogoria route, the route offered local and foreign tourists a unique opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The Tharaka Nithi boasts one of the most scenic routes to Mt Kenya not far from the Chogoria gate, passing by Lake Ellis.

Elephant maternity is also along the route, and Executive Abraham Maruta said the devolved unit was keen on developing a new tourism circuit to attract tourists.




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