Samburu Senator Steve Lelegwe
The Samburu County Government was allocated Sh5, 371, 346, 037 to work with for the 2021-2022 financial year, and just like other counties have been receiving their tranches from July.
The government has placed greater emphasis on the health department, where it allocated Sh1.1 billion.
Governor Moses Kasaine’s administration is banking on various programmes to improve curative and rehabilitative health services, preventive and curative health services, and general administration, planning, management support and coordination.
The administration set aside more funds for the health sector to improve its achievements of the previous financial years.
The total number of facilities now stands at 97, of which two are major government hospitals and which include 15 health centers and 63 dispensaries.
The administration also partners with several Faith-based hospitals to offer much-needed services to the people.
Samburu North has 21 facilities, 17 of them government institutions while Samburu Central boasts of 48 (31 governments).
Samburu has 28 of which 21 are government-owned, two Faith-based, and five are private.
Three facilities (Maralal Referral, Baragoi SDH, Catholic Hospital-Wamba, and Suguta Health Center which is set for an upgrade, boast of theatre services.
To ensure patients are able to access urgent treatment, the county has a total of 15 ambulances, with 11 of them owned by the government and four by Faith-based organizations.
The county has 791 health workers across all cadres but targets to increase it to 891 in the current financial year and 991 in 2022/2023.
For the current period the government which has allocated Sh748.1m to Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries is working to improve livelihoods by promoting crop, fish, and livestock farming as a business.
The department has allocated various sums to enhance livestock and agricultural production by enhancing surveillance and intervention in various diseases and pests.
The department will implement various projects which include the development of Samburu County Rangelands Management and Planned Grazing Management.
It will also promote the beef value chain and upgrade sheep breeds with superior traits for increased sheep production.
Other measures will include an upgrade of local Boran and Rendille camel breeds and the promotion of the dairy value chain through the introduction of exotic dairy cattle and dairy goat breeds, promotion of beekeeping, and upgrade of local chicken.
It also plans to complete the Nomotio Abattoir project and construction of a slaughterhouse at sub-county levels.
The department will also construct modern livestock sale yards for increased market access for livestock.
A hundred Sahiwal bulls introduced in the community are for improving livestock breeds for increased beef production.
Also introduced to improve breeds are 400 camels.
The department of Water, Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy tasked with protecting and conserving the environment and sustainably managing natural resources, was allocated Sh640.5m.
Education and Vocational Training got Sh646.4m with the department planning to pump Sh21.7m to the revitalization of youth polytechnics, Sh468.7m in ECDEs, and Sh155.9m to general administration planning and support services.
Roads, Transport and Public Works received Sh452.2m with the department planning to put Sh230.9m on construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance of roads and bridges.
Sh10.3m will be channeled to design, supervision, and rehabilitation of county buildings while Sh46m will be ploughed into street lights management.
Sh7.4m will be for Public Roads transport and parking while Sh68.9m is set for firefighting services.
Tourism, Trade, Enterprise Development, and Cooperatives has Sh416.9m to develop the sector while Gender, Culture and Social Services has Sh187.2m to work with.