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Governor Njuki’s new stadium for Kairuni

Governor Njuki’s new stadium for Kairuni
September 28, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent

Residents of Maara Sub County are set to benefit from the Kairuni sports ground, an on-going project due for completion this year.

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki told the Eastern Newspaper that the on-going projects to improve sports grounds, Kairuni sports ground will be completed to allow youths and other groups.

The sports ground will be used for different activities, including sporting training, meetings, and other recreational undertakings.

Governor Njuki, while on an inspection of the project, said Kairuni, just like

The mini stadiums of Nyangumi, and Kathwana, was 80 percent done.

“All the three stadiums are at least 80 percent to completion and fitted with irrigation water. The remaining works shall be completed by before the end of  2020 and will be utilized by the public at zero cost,” said the county chief.

In addition to the Kairuni sports ground, Njuki has in recent times also underscored the importance of the different stadiums in the county to the development of talents, hosting big events, and enhancing the development of the county.

The Kirubia stadium, located in Chuka, is the biggest sporting facility funded by the national government.

Njuki said the county government had through a memorandum of understanding with Sports Kenya, committed to doing maintenance of the facility after its completion, to spur development.

Young people in Kairuni, such as Catherine Njeru and Charles Muthomi, welcomed the development of the stadium, saying it was what they need to excel in sports and other talents.

“Youth in Chuka and other regions had some good grounds to train at, but those of us at Kairuni and areas near Chogoria had nothing. We are happy the governor was happy to identify the need for this project,” said Catherine.

Muthomi said his youth who had no good grounds to play soccer, rugby, and other sports, was now a relieved lot.

“We are happy it is a good thing for us because sports have become a major source of employment,” he said.

The Kairuni area has a large group of youth soccer, athletics, and other clubs who were finding it difficult to get suitable training facilities, said Muthomi.

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