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Joy as President Ruto rewards Tharaka Nithi residents with the first Cabinet Secretary

Joy as President Ruto rewards Tharaka Nithi residents with the first Cabinet Secretary
December 6, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

President William Ruto (second right) poses for a photo with Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki (far left), new Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome (second left) and Deputy IG Garbow Noor | PHOTO-Statehouse

By Eastern Correspondent

After many years of being in the cold, residents of Tharaka Nithi County are now celebrating after one of their great sons was rewarded by a powerful docket in President William Ruto’s government.

After serving the people of Tharaka Nithi for a decade as a senator, Prof Kithure Kindiki dropped his political ambitions in the 2022 general elections and joined the presidential campaign in the Kenya Kwanza coalition that was fronting William Ruto to be the 5th president of the republic of Kenya.

Kindiki was appointed as the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Interior and National Administration taking over from the powerful Dr. Fred Matiang’i who was credited for many reforms in the education and security sectors. Kindiki’s position is expected to help the residents of Tharaka, Maara, and Chuka Igambang’ombe to solve historical problems like boundaries and administrative units across the county.

During the campaigns, Tharaka Nithi leaders led by their governor Muthomi Njuki were appealing to William Ruto to give Kindiki the docket of roads and infrastructure but that came to pass when the law professor landed at the department of Interior and National Administration.

Born and brought up in the remote village of Irunduni in Mukothima ward of Tharaka region, Prof Kindiki has been a lucky man, he has never lost an election, and he went in his first trial in 2013.
With Japheth Koome who hails from the neighboring Meru county being appointed the new Inspector General of police residents of Meru, Tharaka and the entire eastern region have great expectations, especially in matters that touch on security for people and their property.

Areas prone to banditry and cattle rustling issues like Isiolo Samburu, Marsabit, and the related counties can now feel a sign of relief and hope that better days are coming courtesy of Prof Kithure Kindiki and IG Japhet Koome.

Previously, the County only had Prof. Micheni Japhet Ntiba who served as the Chief Administrative Secretary, State Law Office, and Department of Justice. Previously, he served as the Principal Secretary, of the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

Betsy Muthoni Njagi who has been serving as a chief officer in the County Government of Tharaka Nithi is proposed to take over the position of PS that was previously held by Prof Ntiba.

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