By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent
Kenya is working together with Ethiopia to ensure that the border point services are smooth and efficient for the sake of citizens of the two African countries. Recently President Uhuru Kenyatta led senior government officials to meet Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in a ceremony to open a one shop border point in Kenya Ethiopia border at Moyale
This initiative is a result of renewed closer relations between the two countries to enhance trade and interactions between various stakeholders in the region. The border post is part of the planned Mombasa-Nairobi-Addis Ababa corridor linked by the 502-kilometer Hawassa-Moyale road project in Ethiopia, and the Isiolo-Moyale road in Kenya.
PM Abiy Ahmed said the inauguration of the OSBP is a clear demonstration of the commitment to enhanced trade by both countries. He revealed that his government has put in place measures to ensure the program goes as per the plan of the two countries.
“Bringing under one roof essential trade services of both countries, revenue and customs authorities, immigration, security, trade plus many other services demonstrates the capacity for enabling economic transformation in our region,” PM Abiy added.
On his part, President Uhuru Kenyatta revealed his commitment to ensuring that trade and political relations between Kenya and her neighbors are enhanced.
‘I have severally visited Ethiopia in an effort to build on trade relations and expand commercial opportunities between my people of Kenya and the brothers and sisters of Ethiopia.
The official expansion and opening of the Kenya -Ethiopia border is expected to fast-track the development of the LAPPSET corridor that will positively impact the social-economic development of the upper eastern region.