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Lolopiro raises basketball flag for the marginalized Samburu

Lolopiro raises basketball flag for the marginalized Samburu
July 11, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Coming from a County where the female gender is not encouraged to play sports, Cynthia Lolopiro has never been discouraged to play basketball. The self-motivated basketball player was born in North Horr in Samburu North.

She studied her primary school education in South Horr Primary School. It is at the Irene School that she started playing basketball in form 1. She played basketball until form 4. During her schooling years at high school, they played against Moi Girls amongst many others. They were the pioneer students of The Irene School.

Cynthia Lolopiro dribbles a basketball at KeMu PHOTO-Hillary Mukasa

The Director of the school was Father Peter Musau who doubled up as the first coach of the basketball team. He supported sports development in the school and especially basketball. Italian friends of Father Musau visited The Irene School and donated sports equipment which highly motivated the players. The equipment included balls, jerseys, and playing shoes. Other sports in The Irene School were football, chess, volleyball, and Netball. Lolopiro balanced sports and academics well since she knew too well there is life after playing. After her K.C.S.E examination, she joined Kenya Methodist University in September 2021 to pursue a Bachelor of Education Arts (Kiswahili and CRE). At KeMU she has continued to play the game of basketball at a higher level.

With remarkable support from the University Management Cynthia Lolopiro has competed for KeMU in the Mount Kenya Basketball League, Spread Truth Basketball Tournament in Nairobi and Kenya National University Games for women at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DEKUT) commemorated the International Women Day. She has also competed in the Kenya University Sports Association Central Conference (KUSA-CENTRAL) Tournaments among many others.

Comments (6)

  1. Esther Awino Opata 3 years ago

    Congratulations baby girl,,us as your team members in the university we’re proud to have you we love you so much as KeMU queens

  2. Raymond Ambugo 3 years ago

    This is a nice move Lolopiro…never look back persistency and perseverance is what matters…Kudos

  3. Agnes Maingi 3 years ago

    Wow, this is so amazing. Keep the flag flying Cynthia!!

  4. Charles 3 years ago


  5. Charles 3 years ago

    Wonderful one

  6. Ingutia Victor 3 years ago

    Proud of you ,sky is the limit

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