Marsabit County Governor Mohamud Ali has condemned in the strongest terms the skirmishes that have rocked parts of the county like Moyale, Shur and Kubi Qallo. The clashes have so far claimed over 8 lives.
According to Ali, the skirmishes are being fueled by a few disgruntled elements out to benefit from chaos and division among the residents of Marsabit and called for stern action against all those involved.
“It appears that there are conflict entrepreneurs and ethnic activists in towns who plan endlessly for inter-ethnic conflicts and violent attacks. I want to assure all the People of Marsabit that I will leave no stone unturned and spare no effort to get to the bottom of these issues to address the causal factors of conflicts so that all our people irrespective of where they are and who they are, can coexist and live in peace.” The Governor said.
Governor Ali noted that despite the recommendations by the County Security Committee together with the County leadership and County’s Interfaith Committee had not yet yielded results and called on the security organs in the County to up their game.
“The recent conflicts in Marsabit bear a strong linkage and a clear connection to the failure by the security team, to properly handle issues related to previous conflicts including the recent conflict and killings in the Horonder area just last month.” Ali said.
The Governor further called on the Security team in the area not to downplay the issue adding that the officers were misleading the public by offering inaccurate statistics on the skirmishes.
“It does not help at all for the local security team to downplay the magnitude of security gaps by giving inaccurate death statistics from yesterday’s conflicts. Despite the statement by the Regional Commander and the County Commissioner that only four people died, the People of Marsabit have buried 8 bodies” Mohamud added.