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Meet Dan Hibichu the great symbol of sports in Tharaka Nithi County

Meet Dan Hibichu the great symbol of sports in Tharaka Nithi County
January 3, 2021 Eastern Newspaper

By Hillary Mukasa,

When Dan Hibichu was working at Meru Law courts he pioneered the formation of Meru Mahakama FC. Meru Mahakama FC started playing in the County league and as they grew in stature the team was promoted to the more prestigious FKF Division Two league in the Northern zone. He did this with great passion and a great love of football. Mahakama FC played in that league in 2017 and 2018 before it was disbanded. When Dan the gifted leader was transferred to Nairobi his passion for football and sports still remained in his heart. The burning ambitions were shifted to Tharaka Nithi County. Dan Hibichu is currently the FKF Secretary-General Tharaka Nithi County Branch. So far he has highly empowered sports personalities by organizing capacity building training. The sporting icon began by organizing a basic training course for football coaches in Mukothima on 26th and 27th September 2020. The facilitator was Hon. G. Gitonga Murugara the MP Tharaka Constituency.  Hillary Mukasa an accredited FKF Instructor trained the coaches. The same training was also conducted in Nkarini on 31st October and 1st November at Karini and several coaches went through basic training.  The training at Nkarini was graced by Stephen Kamau the Director of Sports Tharaka Nithi County and Mbogo Nthiga the FKF Chair Tharaka Nithi branch. Dan Hibichu has ensured that football teams in Tharaka are registered under the FKF so that they can play in a well-structured FKF league and have a database of teams.

Away from football is The Sildan Volleyball Tournament in Tharaka Nithi County that is played in either the month of August or October every year. Some of the teams that have participated in previous tournaments are Swara, Panga, Marimanti, Tumaini, Makutano, Gacheuni, Manyanga, Ndumo, Kiajiro, Kamurige, Bidii, Kasharani, Kibunga, Karocho, Kereria, Gachugini, Ntabuta, Squotter and Kangaii. The sponsors of this noble tournament are the CEO Sildan Sports Academy Dan Hibichu, Onesmus Mugambi the KVF Chairman, and Obadiah Marigu the director of Obedient Solartech systems. The tournament brings clubs together for competition and socialization. The best team in the tournament gets an opportunity to compete in other regions for exposure. In the last event, Swara was the Champions and the team was sponsored to participate in a tournament in Isiolo. The tournament includes the participation of men only and the organizers may consider the female gender in future tournaments

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