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Ministry of Tourism and Samburu county government partner to improve Maralal International Camel Derby

Ministry of Tourism and Samburu county government partner to improve Maralal International Camel Derby
September 4, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

The Ministry of Tourism and the Samburu County Government will partner to improve the annual Maralal International Camel Derby that continues to attract thousands of tourists to the semi-arid region.

Tourism Cabinet Secretary, Najib Balala, while closing the 29th edition of the Maralal International Camel Derby said if well organized, the event could serve as a viable entry point in marketing Kenya’s north as a prime tourism destination.

According to the CS, The Maralal International Camel Derby is an opportunity for Kenya to showcase its diverse offerings, including sport, scenic, economic and cultural tourism.

Balala underscored the need to improve the derby to attain international standards by introducing new activities such as camel auction.

“We are going to discuss with your governor how to elevate this event to international levels so that we can have dates confirmed for the next ten years. We have participants who are well trained to compete internationally and are ready for a proper race,” he added.

Governor Lenolkulal said the county government was willing and ready to partner with the Ministry of Tourism in strengthening Tourism through promotion of the camel derby event.

“As you know Samburu is dependent on tourism and close to 70 per cent of our revenue is sourced from the sector related activities. This is one of the platforms that we are using to market the county and showcase cultural aspects of the communities living in Samburu County.” He said.

The annual race attracts local and international participants and is a rewarding immersion experience that promotes different cultures and champions’ diversity, integration, cohesion, peace, and socio-economic growth.


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