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Moyale – Wajir conflict resolved by talks and compensation

Moyale – Wajir conflict resolved by talks and compensation
September 28, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Simon Kobia

Leaders from both Marsabit and Wajir counties have resolved to look for a permanent solution for conflicts between two communities who live in both counties.

The communities of Borana and Degodia have for a long time engaged in livestock thefts and other forms of conflicts over resources.

Following the increased insecurity along the Moyale-Wajir border, the national and the county governments have played a leading role in ensuring that the local communities co-exist peacefully, for better governance and development in the two counties.

Following a series of attacks pitting residents of Wajir and Marsabit counties, residents of Badanrero and Bori junction honored the peace deal brokered between the Borana and Degodia.

The deal involved returning all the camels stolen from Wajir County to the elders.

The inter-county peace deal was championed by the leaders of the two counties where an eight-point declaration was signed by elders from both sides.  Among them was the cessation of violence and the return of all stolen livestock to the owners.

A total of 289 camels and 152 goats were handed over to Degodia elders by Borana elders, led by Sheikh Nur Ahmed who also doubled as the chairman of the peace committee.

The handing over process was presided over by the Marsabit Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo and representatives from the Ministry of the Interior.

The Degodia elders also brought a brand new motorcycle as a compensation for a motorcycle stolen from a resident of Badanrero and burnt by riotous Degodia youths.

Earlier, Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali and his Wajir counterpart Mohamud Abdi had led a peace meeting between the Borana and Degodia in efforts to foster peace.

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