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Railway line plan for Eastern counties to boost economy

Railway line plan for Eastern counties to boost economy
April 23, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent

The national government has kicked off the rehabilitation of the 240-km Nairobi-Nanyuki Railway line, with another phase expected to wrap in Isiolo, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, and Embu counties.

The rehabilitation of the key infrastructural project will be three-phased; Nanyuki-Marúa, Marúa-Sagana, and Sagana-Thika.

In the future, the line is expected to proceed to Isiolo, Meru, and Tharaka Nith, a demand that was aptly captured by Mt Kenya’s Building Bridges Initiative resolutions at Kinoru, where Isiolo Governor Mohamed Kuti was among county bosses from the region.

Governor Kuti said the railway, in addition to other mega projects such as the Isiolo Resort City, will be a key catalyst for the economic growth of the previously marginalized county.

Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi also held discussions with governors in the Central Region Economic Bloc (Cereb) in a meeting where they Central Region Railway Projects progress report.

Kiraitu also, in his vision 2040 blueprint, plans railway line connecting Meru to the Nairobi-Nanyuki rail-link is also planned to ensure Meru benefits from the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport corridor, which will pass through Isiolo and northern Meru.

Governor Kiraitu said the counties had requested Kenya Railway Corporation (KRC) for a Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) that passes through Nairobi-Murang’a-Embu-Tharaka Nithi-Meru-Isiolo counties and eventually connect to the LAPSSET corridor.

This will be in phase three of the project.

Once complete, it will spur the region’s economic growth, ease inter-county trade,

NYS officers assisting in clearing bushes along the Nairobi Nanyuki railway

and also reduce transport costs.

The railway project is also expected to create jobs for the youths and open up trade in the region it passes through, thus reducing unemployment rates. Embu Governor Martin Wambora said the idea of a modern railway line in the county will bring economic transformation.

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