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Samburu leaders defend embattled Agriculture PS Richard Lesiyampe

Samburu leaders defend embattled Agriculture PS Richard Lesiyampe
September 3, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

A section of elected leaders from Samburu County have come to the defense of embattled Agriculture Permanent Secretary Dr Richard Lesiyampe over graft allegations.

Led by Samburu Governor Samuel Lenolkulal, Woman Rep Maison Leshomo, Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuuda and Samburu North MP Alois Lentomaiga, the leaders cautioned against malicious prosecution of individuals in the ongoing war against graft.

Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuuda called on the relevant agencies to follow the law in the fight against corruption.

“The law should be followed and (Dr) Lesiyampe should be reinstated if found innocent,” she said.

Samburu North MP Alois Lentomaiga said the PS was innocent and called on the president to order for the charges to be dropped.

“We want all charges against Dr Lesiyampe dropped, they are malicious. The President has powers to order a nolle prosequi (stop proceedings) “he said.

The legislator further noted that the PS does not directly handle money from the National Treasury adding that the PS was merely following a directive issued by the government.

“Last year, the same government ordered the ministry (Agriculture) to buy all available maize in the country, why are they now accusing Dr Lesiyampe?” he questioned.

Governor Moses Lenolkulal said there should be no malice in the fight against corruption.

“Such harassment will spoil people’s careers, we have systems to fight corruption decently,” he noted.

Mr Lenolkulal added that people’s reputations are being destroyed when summons are issued through the media.

Woman Representative Maison Leshomo noted that the PS had been cleared of any wrong doing by the Senate Agriculture Committee. She further condemned the manner in which the arrests are being carried out noting that it is causing untold anguish to families.

“It is hurting to ambush and arrest people on the wee hours of the morning when they are with their families,” Ms Leshomo said.


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