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The Consolata Peace Tournament in Samburu was a success

The Consolata Peace Tournament in Samburu was a success
April 23, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Hillary Mukasa,

When the name Samburu County rings in our minds we picture Maralal the capital and largest town of Archers Post. If not camel racing we imagine the breathtaking tourism sites and colorful cultures among other attractions.  This particular story is about attraction in another form.

It is about the attraction and beauty of football. The story is about the Consolata Peace Soccer Tournament in Samburu that is sponsored by the Catholic Church and turning out to be a great success. Alamano was the venue of the recent exciting football tournament.

In the results, Pirate Family beat Utawala in an entertaining final match to clinch the coveted top prize. In the semifinals, Pirate Family justified its might by trouncing All-Stars 1-0 in a tough encounter. En route to the finals, Utawala battled it out with Poro FC in an evenly contested match which ended in a 2-2 draw in regular time. The gods were smiling at Utawala and this inevitably led them to victory in the post-match penalty shootout.

This win booked them an appointment in the grand finale against Pirate Family. The tournament was graced by Samburu County Sports Minister Senei Irene who commended the initiative made by the Catholic Church and other stakeholders. The overall winner carried homes Ksh. 55,000, 1st runners up Ksh 30,000 while the 2nd runners up bagged Ksh 20,000. The top scorer earned himself Ksh 1,000. As a sign of appreciation and support, fans and guests contributed an extra Ksh 25,000 to the winning team.


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