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The role of Universities in developing sports in the community

The role of Universities in developing sports in the community
April 23, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Hilary Mukasa,

KeMU’s impact story 

When you tell the story of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) through sports in Universities you are likely telling the story of KeMU. A role is so big the University has done that if we denied it credit we would be doing great injustice.

Football Coaching Clinic

Exactly a decade ago under the auspices of the (KEFOCA) Kenya Football Coaches Association, the late James Sianga conducted a football coaching clinic in KeMU. This was in partnership between KeMU and the FKF sub-branch Meru. Among the most successful beneficiaries from this training were Martin Mutembei, Jabir Hassan Mohamed all from Isiolo, and Phineas Mbaabu Ithinji from Meru. Mutembei emerged as one of the most successful coaches in Upper Eastern with Taqwa FC. He was the unprecedented champion in the Nationals of the Sakata Ball Safaricom Challenge.

With the coaching clinic at KeMU acting as a perfect stepping stone; Mutembei would later pursue a KNVB (Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond) and Arsenal Coaching Certification. Right now he is a certified CAF level C coach.

Jabir a former goalkeeper himself at TAQWA FC in Isiolo would later become appointed as the goalkeeper trainer of the National U-17 team in 2012. He qualified to be an FKF Instructor in 2016 and was also appointed as the FKF Youth representative in Upper Eastern. Phineas Mbaabu Ithinji who never missed a minute of the training reigned supremacy in football in the regionals of the KSSSA.   Kibirichia boy’s high school concurred in the Province and gave a good account of themselves in the National competitions.

Doubling as the Deputy Principal and football coach his passion and enthusiasm led to the Kibirichia golden era in football. Another beneficiary from the clinic was the KeMU football head coach Mr. Mukasa. After this training KeMU emerged as football giants in University games in Kenya, East Africa, and Africa. Not to forget FKF league competitions which they still flourish even today.

Referees Clinic

Maxim Itur an amazingly qualified referee Instructor conducted a referees training clinic in KeMU around the same time the football clinic was facilitated. One of the most successful referees from that class is Elias Murega who qualified to be a referee in the FKF division, one league, before becoming the FKF Meru Central Sub-branch Chair.  Currently, Murega is the Member of the County Assembly of Meru representing the residents of Municipality ward.  Naftali Macharia from Isiolo is another diamond that was unearthed from the training in KeMU. He was the center referee in the 2019 National Primary school football finals at Kaaga Primary between Coast and Nairobi Counties. He is a match commissar of the FKF Division 2 league. Mohamed Nane Shege from Moyale who traveled the longest distance to KeMU for the referee’s clinic has been a promising referee and currently the FKF Chair for Moyale sub-branch. On top of that, he is among the organizers of the Arda Jila league in Marsabit County. He is a peace ambassador through sports.



Growth of Rugby in the County is a priceless CSR activity by the University. 70% of the players of Meru RFC (Rugby Football Club) are students at KeMU and blend perfectly with other players from the community to compete favorably in the nationwide league.

Gibson Omache Nyabuto a Nursing student in KeMU doubles up as the KeMU and Meru RFC Captain while Victor Sambuli a former player and currently a staff at KeMU is the Secretary-General of the club.

Athletics Camp

The KeMU Athletics camp at Greenland produced stellar names in the athletics circles some of whom won several accolades under their names. Some are now military officers courtesy of athletics. Many have become professional athletes like speed merchant Stephen Mung’athia who has been racing in Asia. Alex Murithi a one-time Lewa Marathon Champion in the 21km race has been running in Europe. Mutwiri Josephat is participating in road races in Kenya and Europe.  Benjamin Kiraithe got an opportunity to live and train in the Camp as an athlete while pursuing a degree in Theology and Religious Studies at KeMU.  He won a silver medal in the African University Games and qualified for the World University Games in Montenegro Russia. Later on, he became a coach at the Camp and best of all he graduated as a Reverend Minister. He had to leave for Norway for further studies.


KeMU has been and is still a giant in Taekwondo in Kenya, East Africa, and Africa as far as Taekwondo in Universities is concerned. Geoffrey Orawo the KeMU taekwondo coach who is a black belt holder trains members of the community at Blue towers in Makutano as a way of giving back to the community. Members of the community also train together with the KeMU taekwondo team at the KeMU Taekwondo/creative arts Hall. This includes junior members from primary schools and high schools within the environs. The University is a symbol of taekwondo at the university and club level. Last year they performed brilliantly in the Nairobi Taekwondo Challenge competitions and put up a marvelous display in the Korean Ambassador Cup in Nairobi. They were recognized by the Korean Ambassador. In December last year, the KeMU taekwondo ladies were 2nd overall Champions in the KUSA National games at Moi University in Eldoret.

The taekwondo queens performed well by emerging the overall Champions in the KUSA Women Games held at Kirinyaga University.

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