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Ura Gate Tharaka cultural festival kicks off at Meru National Park

Ura Gate Tharaka cultural festival kicks off at Meru National Park
August 23, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

It was pomp and color as the third edition of the Ura Gate Tharaka Cultural festival kicked off at Uragate grounds near Meru National Park, Tharaka Nithi County.

Under the theme “building resilience to climate change through culture” aims at providing a platform to showcase the rich diverse culture, agricultural products, livestock and community art the county is endowed with.

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki called on residents to embrace the festival that will run until August 25.

“This celebration is important in our calendar as a County and goes to show our firm belief in our traditions.” Said the Governor.

The chief guest Deputy President William Ruto lauded the organizers of the festival and called on stronger cultural ties to strengthen society and family values.

“Culture and strong traditions are the foundation of the family and society. They must find expression, breathe life into our everyday interactions and build healthy, cohesive communities.” DP Ruto said.

The DP also reiterated the government’s commitment to promote indigenous cultures, market artefacts locally and internationally as well as the setting up of regional economic blocks to strengthen local economies.

“We will continue to support efforts that promote indigenous cultures, market artefacts in local and export arenas. We will support counties to set up regional economics blocks that will strengthen the grassroots economy, empower wananchi, create jobs and anchor the Big Four.” Said Ruto.

The event was attended by Turkana County Governor and Council of Governors chairman Josephat Nanok, Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia, Laikipia Governor Nderitu Murithi and Embu Governor Martin Wambora among other leaders.

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