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Why Isiolo Municipality sealed a deal with PSVs

Why Isiolo Municipality sealed a deal with PSVs
October 11, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent,

Stakeholders in the public service transport business in Isiolo town have struck a deal to ensure matatu operators are cushioned against the effects of the novel coronavirus that almost grounded the sector.

Speaking after a meeting between senior officials of the matatu Saccos and Isiolo Municipality, County Head of Revenue Bidu Ibrahim said that the sector had been hit hard by the pandemic and revealed that they no longer collect the usual monthly revenue of over Sh470, 000 from the matatus in Isiolo town.

The matatu officials requested the Governor Mohamed Kuti administration to ensure no new SACCOs will be licensed to operate within the town as competition for passengers had intensified as Covid-19 had restricted people’s movement.

Isiolo Municipality manager Osman Halake called on operators to use only designated bus terminus, to ensure there is order.

He warned them against haphazard picking and dropping off passengers in the town, saying it caused congestion.

The PSV operators through their representatives assured the government that conductors, stage managers, drivers, and other personnel will be on a proper uniform and have identification tags on display, as is required by law.

The parties agreed to also involve the National Police Service in the new arrangement to ensure smooth execution of the same

” If we do what we have committed ourselves to in this meeting, I can assure, all of us that there will be a conducive business environment for the matatus operators and congestion will drastically reduce at our bus terminus,” Said Mr. Halake.

Among the saccos in the deal include Inana, Millenium, Meiso, Samburu liner, and Nanyuki Cabs.

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