Credit KNA
Tharaka Nithi County is targeting to register 463,000 people in the on-going National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) biometric registration.
Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner (CC) Ms. Beverly Opwora said the County has set targets all the way to the sub-location level and called on citizens and legal foreigners to visit their nearest assistant chiefs within 45 days to avoid being locked out of the crucial exercise.
“We will use the media and notice boards in market centres to ensure the targets for each Sub-Location, Location, Sub-Counties and the County at large to enable proper monitoring of the progress,” said the CC.
Opwora disclosed that they are facing some resistance from some religious groups but assured that they will engage them explaining the importance of acquiring Huduma number since none of us can survive without seeking services such as enrollment in schools or hospitalization.
She said NIIMS has been necessitated by not only the infiltration of illegal foreigners into the country but also the need to facilitate quick and efficient service delivery to the citizens and legal foreigners through a system that only requires a click of a button to identify them.
Ms. Opwora said Huduma Namba will also enable the statistics department be giving the actual figures rather than approximates since all and sundry including those who will be born during and after the 45 days exercise will be captured in the system.
The CC said the swearing in of the assistant chiefs and registration assistants for the exercise that will be officially launched in the County at the headquarters in Kathwana on April 10 was conducted at Marimanti and Chuka town Wednesday.
“The ones who were sworn in at Marimanti will serve Tharaka North and South Sub-counties while those who took the oath of office at Chuka will serve Maara, Meru South and Igambang’ombe sub-counties,” she said.