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Trans-national Sacco opens Mikinduri branch as CS Munya lauds the move

Trans-national Sacco opens Mikinduri branch as CS Munya lauds the move
April 13, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

The trans nation Sacco formerly Tharaka Nithi teachers Sacco opened its newest branch in Mikinduri town of Meru county.

The Sacco is focusing on an ambitious expansion plan where it has recently spread its wings to many parts of Tharaka Nithi county and now the neighboring county of Meru.

Speaking during the occasion, the Sacco Chief Executive Officer Mr. Luncham Mugambi thanked the members and expressed commitment that the Sacco is committed to continuously serve them in the most professional manner.

He said the opening of Mikinduri branch was as a result of a survey done that revealed demand for the Sacco services in the town and the entire Tigania area.

Speaking during the official opening of the branch where he was the chief guest, Trade and Industrialization Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya lauded the work done by the Sacco in offering financial solutions to the members and the society at large.

‘Today Trans Nation Sacco marked yet another milestone by opening a branch at Mikinduri in Tigania East, Meru. From humble beginnings, in 1993, with 2644 members, having share capital and BOSA deposit of 37 million, currently, the Sacco has grown its membership to 19,000 in BOSA and over 47,000 in FOSA. The asset base and loan to members has also grown to ksh4.5b and Ksh3.8b respectively. This is an impressive performance and I congratulate this Sacco for their efforts and their contribution to the creation of jobs and wealth for the country’ Munya said.

The Sacco has been operating other branches that include Chogoria, Meru, Marimanti, Kathwana with their head office located in Chuka town.

Among the services offered by the Sacco include front office, FOSA, and back office, BOSA, services that have a range of savings and credit products for the members.

Transnational Sacco is open to all the people although their main clients are teachers who are TSC employees.




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