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Roads in Chuka and other areas to be upgraded

Roads in Chuka and other areas to be upgraded
April 24, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

The Tharaka Nithi County government has started the construction of roads in Chuka and other parts of the county to bitumen standards, and tarmac.

The works by the Roads and Infrastructure Department will see a 1.5km stretch at Kibugua done.

Another 11km stretch through Kambandi, Chera and Rugiti will also be upgraded to ease transportation of goods and people.

Apart from Kibugua Governor Muthomi Njuki has deployed dozers, tippers, rollers, escavators and other machinery in Chogoria, and the Mitheru-Kanwa (7.5km) and Tunyai-Nthaara-Marimanti road (20km).

The road works come in the wake of heightened discussions on the pathetic state of rural and peri-urban roads.

Governor Njuki said his administration wanted to empower locals by improving roads.

“Residents of Kibugua and Chogoria towns will at last enjoy the benefits of tarmacked roads. By tarmacking our towns, we aim to ease the movement of goods and people as we keep our promise of empowering residents’’ said Njuki.

He said in Chogoria they will tarmac five feeder roads and connect areas to the main Chuka-Meru road.

He said Kibugua will be transformed into a business hub once the works are complete. Residents like Charles Kimathi said it was unfortunate the roads were ‘impassable whether it rained or shined’.

“It is really bad that if it the mud preventing us reach our destinations in peace it is the unbearable dust or huge trenches across the roads,” Mr Kimathi from Kangoro told The Mashariki News.

Also read: Using rocks to harvest rainwater to quench thirst for Tharaka people

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