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4,000 College and University students to get bursaries in igembe south

4,000 College and University students to get bursaries in igembe south
January 10, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By John Majau.

About 4,000 college and university students in Igembe South constituency, Meru County are set  to benefit from bursary funds totaling Sh40 million courtesy of the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NGCDF) kitty.

The figure shows a remarkable increase in the number of students to be awarded with the population of beneficiaries shooting up from 3,000 in the previous year to the current 4,000.

Residents had a reason to smile after the area MP John-Paul Mwirigi assured all applicants that they would be awarded the bursary with the lowest getting at least Sh10,000.

”The money will be disbursed to students after they are cleared by the relevant committee. All those who had applied would get at least Sh10, 000 each. Last year we sponsored 3,000 students but this time there is a higher turnout and we intend to allocate more than 35 per cent of the money budgeted for education to bursaries. At the same time there are students who come from poor families who will benefit from full sponsorship,” said the Igembe South MP.

Speaking at different forums when he issued the students with bursary forms, the lawmaker said he was committed to raising the education standards in his constituency and called on stakeholders to support the initiatives by his office.

“We have built class rooms in several schools using the CDF kitty where 46 class rooms have been completed while 42 projects are ongoing and we will ensure that they are completed on time,” said MP Mwirigi.

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