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Embu Woman Rep opposes petition to legalize marijuana, vows to shoot down motion

Embu Woman Rep opposes petition to legalize marijuana, vows to shoot down motion
September 25, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Embu Woman Representative Jane Wanjuki has vowed to oppose a petition by Kibra MP Ken Okoth that seeks to legalize the growth and use of marijuana.

In a letter dated September 21, 2018, the Kibra MP called on parliament to legalize the use and growth of bhang arguing that legalizing marijuana will boost the country’s economy as well as create employment opportunities.

The MP further wants all criminal records against citizens with prior convictions of marijuana use dropped and amnesty measures instituted. Okoth further noted that the substance has multiple documented medicinal and industrial benefits. He argued that the petition seeks to address the registration of producers, growers, users and manufacturers and thus should be backed.

“The proposed Bill seeks to ensure that there is regulation for growth and safe use of marijuana and hemp including the registration of growers of growers, producers, manufacturers and users with special focus on protection of children/minors from illicit use just as we do with tobacco and alcohol,” said Okoth.

However, the Embu lawmaker has opposed the sentiments of Okoth and argued that legalizing the crop will further lead the youth astray.

According to Wanjuki, Marijuana affects the functionality of the human body. She further added that the drug is addictive and thus should not be decriminalized. She vowed to shoot down any such bill on the floor of parliament and accused proponents of the petition of vested interests.

“When that bill is presented, first of all as a parent I will oppose it. The people of Embu, whom I represent, have also said that they do not want to even hear about that bill being tabled in Parliament because it will not help our youth,” Wanjuki added.

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