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  • Sep132023

    Manyatta MP Mukunji wants lazy contractors fired

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    By Mukembu Mutethia Manyatta constituency MP Gitonga Mukunji has urged Water CS Alice Wahome to revoke a contract in his…

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  • Jul192023

    Senator Mundigi calls for dialogue between the government and Azimio

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    By Gerald Kibaki Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi has moved a motion in the Senate seeking to constitute a team of…

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  • Jul112023

    Alarm as food crisis continues to hit residents of the upper Eastern region

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    By Correspondent In the recent past, Kenyans from different parts of the country have experienced unending food crises brought about…

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  • Jul102023

    Governor Mbarire’s administration set to plant five million trees in Embu

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    By Eastern Correspondent Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire’s administration is set to plant five million trees in the next five years…

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  • Jul102023

    Ghost employees consuming Ksh20million Embu funds forensic audit reveals

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent A forensic audit at the County Government of Embu has unearthed financial malpractices committed by the…

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  • Jul102023

    Pressure on Eastern region MPs as handful make it to list of 20 best performing

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    By Eastern Newspaper Team Pressure has been mounting on Members of Parliament in Meru, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Marsabit, Samburu,…

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  • Jun142023


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    By Gerald Mutethia Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has given security teams in the Eastern region ten days to show the…

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  • May312023

    Embu Senator cracks house, urges senators to show up early for Madaraka celebrations

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    By Gerald Mutethia Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi on Wednesday left Senators in stitches when he notified them that they may…

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  • May052023

    Mbarire beseeches ladies to train as coaches as she eyes start of Governor’s league

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    By Gerald Mutethia Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire has urged ladies in the county to embrace football and join training camps…

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  • Mar282023

    Why Embu college continues to shine in sports in the Upper Eastern region

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    By Eastern Correspondent Embu College has for many years now been one of the leading tertiary education institutions in the…

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