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Why Embu college continues to shine in sports in the Upper Eastern region

Why Embu college continues to shine in sports in the Upper Eastern region
March 28, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Embu college rugby team in action during a past match | PHOTO-Embu College

By Eastern Correspondent

Embu College has for many years now been one of the leading tertiary education institutions in the world of sports not only in Embu County but also in other parts of Upper Eastern Kenya.

The college management led by the principal Mr. Boniface Mwangi has prioritized the extra-curricular activities as an initiative to promote talent and nurture sports.

The college has been sharing joy after great achievements in sports activities regionally as well as nationally.

In the recent athletic competitions held at Meru Teachers Training College; Embu emerged as the top-performing institution out of 17 participating schools, a clear indication of the commitment of the institution to excel in games and sports.

Embu college students also emerged victorious in the athletic competitions recently held at the same institution in Meru County.

EMCOs ‘Fredrick Maina won the Javelin category while Jacinta Mutheu took the 10,000m women’s race. Brian Muthomi and Stephen Wambua shined in the 1500 meters race in men’s and women’s categories respectively; the students showed exceptional skill and dedication, and make the institution proud.

Insiders say success is the seed of their inspiration to pursue their passions and strive for excellence not only in academics but also in sports.

In Netball & Volleyball competitions, the queen’s team comprising female students from the college performed a classic well during the Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI) National Ball Games also held at Meru Teachers Training College. The queens played brilliantly in both games and worked as a team.

National KTTI Ball Games

After being crowned Mt Kenya East KTTI regional champions earlier this year, the Embu College volleyball & Netball queens made it to the national tournament at KTTI National Ball Games Competition facing where they faced off with Baringo TTI.

The college chairman Hon Kithinji Kiragu has been making concerted efforts to inspire and encourage both the teachers and the staff of Embu College to excel in all spheres of life while in school as well as outside.

“Always have positive peer pressure and good behavior is a reflection of good attitude & good self-image.”- Kithinji Kiragu says.

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