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The American dream, an ambitious airlifting programme giving hope to graduates in Abogeta West

The American dream, an ambitious airlifting programme giving hope to graduates in Abogeta West
February 21, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By Dollycate Kawira

An airlifting programme aimed at enabling graduates from Abogeta West to pursue Master’s degree and get well-paying jobs in America through the Abogeta Education Development Sacco (ABEDS) that was launched late last year continues to make strides towards realizing the dream of a highly skilled and qualified workforce.

The programme initiated by Abogeta West ward representative Dennis Kiogora offers support to its members financially to facilitate their stay and study abroad by giving a loan that is three times their savings.

Graduates who scored a minimum B (plain) in their KCSE and managed a Second class upper or a first class honors at the University level are being targeted for the programme.

“ABEDS has its members as any graduate that scored a B plain and above in KCSE and a Second class upper or a first class honors at the University level,” said Kiogora during the launch.

ABEDS has partnered with APPSTEC, an American based firm that will be tasked with receiving and settling beneficiaries of the programme and overseeing their admission to the University Of South Florida (USF). APPSTEC will also ensure that successful candidates get access to international students’ loan.

Those who manage to complete their studies and secure employment will be required to repay the SACCO loan received at the rate of 12% on reducing balance, and also the international loans they may have acquired during their studies.

Members willing to join the programme are required to pay Kes. 1,000 in membership fees and have savings in the SACCO. Upon payment of the fee, members are expected to sit the mandatory entry exam (GMAT).

According to ABEDS, members who score 550 marks and above out of the total 800 marks will then be facilitated to acquire visas to pursue their studies in the USA.

Speaking during the launch when he received a Sh. 1 million donation from the County Government of Meru, Abogeta West MCA Dennis Kiogora said the programme aims at bridging the gap in skills, enhancing beneficiaries’ employability and ensuring that Youth get opportunities to further their studies and broaden their horizons.

Already, the SACCO has raised over 1.3 Million shillings to be used as the loan source for the ambitious project ahead of the departure of the inaugural ABEDS cohort.


Comments (11)

  1. Valentine Muthoni 6 years ago

    Am proud of you my sister… Amazing article! Making Abogeta West great too!!

    • Dollycate kawira 6 years ago

      Thanks my sister

  2. Otieno Obiero 6 years ago

    Good initiative …Nice piece

    • Dollycate kawira 6 years ago

      Thanks Otieno

  3. Stev 6 years ago

    Wow !… this is great new for our sub-county . .keep us informed Girl

  4. Dollycate kawira 6 years ago

    Thanks sister

  5. Cryz 6 years ago


    • Dollycate kawira 6 years ago

      Flattered… Thanks

  6. Mutiga Elias 6 years ago

    Wonderful article, simple and clear congratulations

    • Dollycate kawira 6 years ago

      Really grateful

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