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Juggling between books and football: The inside story of John Muchai

Juggling between books and football: The inside story of John Muchai
July 19, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

John Muchai in action for Bidii Sports Academy-PHOTO-Hillary Mukasa

By Hillary Mukasa

John Muchai joined Bidii Sports Academy when he was in class 4 at Kaaga Primary. The year is 2015. Bidii Sports Academy is based in Meru and was founded in 2013. The players train at Kaaga Primary and KeMU grounds. The philosophy of the academy is to balance Education, Sports, and Spirituality. The decorated John Muchai played up to the regional level in primary school football competitions.

He is also the goalkeeper of Compassion KE-701 Runogone CDC in Meru and represented them in the National Compassion games at Taita Taveta University in 2019. John has played for Bidii in various competitions such as the Bidii Youth Tournament in 2018 and Meru City Tournament in 2022. He has gained a lot of exposure by playing for Bidii against senior teams like KeMU FC, JKUAT, and Meru City FC. During his schooling days, the bonafide Bidii goalkeeper was position 1 from class 4 to 8 at Kaaga Primary.

It’s only in the KCPE examinations that he was beaten to position 2 by a girl called Lynn Gatwiri. “The boy wonder has been position one in class and played in position one on the pitch as a goalkeeper” After his KCPE examination he joined Meru School and still performing amazingly in class and football.

John comes from a humble background and his academic prowess enabled him to secure a scholarship from the KCB Meru branch. He is currently in form 3 at Meru School and during the last examinations he was position 1 in his stream and 8 out of 455 overall with a mean grade of A-. Asked by the Eastern Newspaper how he juggles between books and football he said “I have a timetable for studying and I follow it strictly. Playing football helps me to refresh after my studies”. It’s all about self-discipline.

“When I complete my studies I would like to be a pilot.” Adds John. During his schooling days at Kaaga Primary School, Compassion KE-701 Runogone CDC supported him in his studies by paying school fees and purchasing his uniform. They also gave him a platform to improve his football talent. Nancy Mbogori the Project Director of Compassion KE-701 Runogone CDC has been very supportive to the youths and impacted remarkably in shaping their lives. When not playing and studying, John plays a special role at the St Andrews Church in Meru by helping in organizing Church activities like preparing for services. His best meal is ugali and chicken.

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