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The Unsung Taekwondo Hero in Meru

The Unsung Taekwondo Hero in Meru
December 6, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Geoffrey Orawo displaying one of the many trophies he has won | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Hillary Mukasa

It is a Monday evening and the KeMU Taekwondo team is having a rest after participating in a tough tournament over the weekend.

I pass by the martial arts room only to find coach Geoffrey Orawo relaxed there and searching for the latest Taekwondo news online from his mobile phone. I greet one of the most passionate coaches in the University and we both walk to the Sports Office.

The Coach is well-built and tall yet very resilient and humble. I ask him jokingly why Taekwondo athletes are very humble yet their game is a form of martial art and they keep training by executing punching and kicking techniques with an emphasis on head-height kicks, spinning up kicks, and fast kicking techniques. He smiles and tells me “Taekwondo is a game that requires very high discipline”. That’s a story for another day. Geoffrey Orawo started coaching the KeMU Taekwondo team for Men and Women in 2012.

The highly qualified coach has continued to be humble despite a stellar career in the sport. His success as a coach and a player is in equal measure. In 2009 he represented Kenya in Korea and won a bronze medal. He also represented Kenya in Rwanda in 2010 winning gold for himself and the Country.

He won a silver medal in Kampala the same year. He is a 3rd Dan Black Belt certified coach. He was been engaged in coaching the Tanzanian national Taekwondo team in 2020.

His star as the KeMU coach has continued to shine brighter and brighter. In 2014 the KeMU ladies emerged as position one overall in the East Africa University games. The same year they were the overall winners in the Africa University Games held in Kenya.

Last year the KeMU ladies’ team was 2nd overall in the National University Games held at Kibabii University in Bungoma in December. The men’s team was ranked 3rd overall in the same tournament.

KeMU participates in many tournaments organized by the Kenya Taekwondo Association.

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