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Is Kiraitu’s party on the verge of collapse as members shift allegiance to Governor ni Mama?

Is Kiraitu’s party on the verge of collapse as members shift allegiance to Governor ni Mama?
February 10, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

A past Photo of Devolution Empowerment Party leaders and supporters led by Kiraitu Murungi (Centre)

By Correspondent

Former Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi’s declaration to retire from active politics after defeat by Governor Mwangaza has left his Devolution Empowerment Party (Bus) directionless.

The party will likely turn to a shell as its ardent supporters seemingly shift to supporting Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

Former Meru chief of staff Gideon Kimathi shifted his allegiance from the party in favor of Governor Mwangaza, leaving behind a big void in the operations of the Bus party.

On January 27, former Meru assembly majority leader Victor Karithi, who unsuccessfully defended his Athwana seat on a DEP ticket shifted allegiance to the Governor ni mama camp. On the very day, Igoji political leaders led by Gwara Gwara Nkosi and former Meru Woman Rep Florence Kajuju separately paid Governor Mwangaza a courtesy call signaling a change in the political tunes.

Kimathi said his move was a personal decision adding that he had nothing to lose or gain by hiding his political preference adding that the party was on autopilot since the driver-Kiraitu Murungi announced his exit from elective politics.

On December 14, MCAs impeached Governor Mwangaza on 62 grounds in a motion tabled at the chambers by Abogeta West MCA DMK Kiogora. A handful of elected and nominated MCAs who supported her impeachment have already shifted their support to Mwangaza.

On December 30, 2022, the Senate dismissed all 62 grounds, saying none of the accusations were substantiated and did not meet the threshold for impeachment.

The Bus party did not support Kimathi in his bid to clinch the South Imenti seat in 2022 despite being its candidate but rather his opponent Dr. Shadrack Mwiti, who triumphed in the August 2022 polls.

Kiraitu Murungi was one of the longest-serving politicians before his humbling defeat by Mwangaza declared that he will not run for any political seat in the future but instead focus on family and personal development.

Mwangaza has received defectors and admirers in her camp including the business community, ambassadors and heads of missions, Red cross officials, and the corporate world since her win but continues to face turbulent times in office.

The Governor clinched the coveted seat on an Independent ticket with the overwhelming support of the electorates but now finds herself on hostile territory with incessant wrangles with members of the County Assembly over the allocation and control of ward funds.

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