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Njuri Ncheke elders condemn Muthomi Njuki and Kithure Kindiki public clash

Njuri Ncheke elders condemn Muthomi Njuki and Kithure Kindiki public clash
September 3, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Njuri Ncheke Council of Elders has condemned the recent public clash pitting Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki and Senator Kithure Kindiki.

During the Uragate Tharaka Cultural Festival held in the county recently, Governor Njuki and his entourage left the ceremony in a huff immediately after Prof Kindiki and his followers took to the podium.

County officers rushed to disconnect the public address system, forcing Prof Kindiki to hire another one from the nearby Shauri Market and continue his address.

The elders, led by Tharaka-Nithi County chairman Kangori M’Thaara, said Prof Kindiki and Governor Njuki, now arch-rivals, used to be allies and called on the duo to set aside their political differences and serve the interests of the common mwananchi.

“The two leaders, who had been great friends until last year’s elections, are now great rivals. For any development in the county, they must agree to work together,” Mr M’Thaara said.

The elders have said the two leaders’ behavior was shameful and was beneath the stature of Njuri Ncheki members.

Mr Njuki’s walkout is said to have been fueled by a dispute over the location of the festival.

Speaking at the festival, Mr Njuki dismissed claims that he was planning to shift the annual festival that was started in 2015 by Tharaka community leaders to his backyard in Chuka/Igambang’ombe constituency.

“It is wrong for leaders with 2022 political interests to mislead the Tharaka community that I am planning to relocate the venue of this festival to Chuka,” said Mr Njuki.

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