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Why water kills 36 people per year in Marsabit

Why water kills 36 people per year in Marsabit
May 2, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Residents and animals share water at watering point | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Mutethia

Researchers are worried that most Esophageal cancer and kidney problems in Marsabit County are caused by unsafe water.

North Horr MP Wario Guyo believes the many cases of cancer and waterborne diseases reported in his constituency are mainly contributed to unhealthy minerals that contaminate sources of water.

Guyo added that despite having so many factors that contribute to cancer cases as it is a global phenomenon, they can’t rule out Nitrate in water and it should be addressed by stakeholders immediately.

“There are so many cancer cases and water borne diseases, we cannot prove 100% saline water is the cause but believe it contributes due to the level of Nitrate in it. The treatment unit is a big boost to curbing this. We intend to reciprocate the same to the rest of village for our people to access safe and clean water,” he said.

But Bubisa residents are all smiles now after Human Cargo-Care, Caritas Germany, and the Marsabit county government collaborated on an Sh64 million Solar-Powered desalination plant launched to purify the water.

Human Cargo Care President Fokko Doyen who spoke during the launch of the plant that will benefit over 2000 households said the partnership is to ensure resident have safe water for consumption.

Marsabit County Water and Sewarage Company Director Stephen Katelo said out of the 240 boreholes drilled across the county, 84 of them are saline.

He said after a baseline survey was conducted, it found out that quality of water is compromised such that it does not meet the World Health Organization (WHO) Standards.

He said the desalination plant has reduced water related conflicts as mobile villages who move from place to another in search of water have settled.

“In this particular place borehole water is sank up-to 400meters underground and most of this waters are saline. This community has been suffering health related problems such as kidney problems and Oesophagus cancer which claims lives. On average, every month three people succumb to water related problem in entire Marsabit County,” he said.

PACIDA and their development partners has managed to contribute access to safe drinking water for 1,200 households in Bubisa location, North Horr Constituency, Marsabit county.

Years back, saline water in the area contributed highly to oesophageal cancer cases and kidney problems.

The desalination plant with a capacity of 11m³/hr was jointly funded by Caritas Germany, Cargo Human Care and the County Government of Marsabit.

Nitrate is a compound that naturally occurs and has many human-made sources.

Nitrates can affect how our blood carries oxygen. Nitrate can turn hemoglobin (the protein in blood that carries oxygen) into methemoglobin.
High levels can turn skin bluish or grey and cause more serious health effects like weakness, excess heart rate, fatigue, and dizziness.

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