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Embu Senator cracks house, urges senators to show up early for Madaraka celebrations

Embu Senator cracks house, urges senators to show up early for Madaraka celebrations
May 31, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Mutethia

Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi on Wednesday left Senators in stitches when he notified them that they may not secure seats if they arrive at the Madaraka Day celebrations in Embu late.

Mundigi was had been given an opportunity by the Senate Deputy Speaker who is also the Meru Senator Kathuri Murungi to welcome his colleagues for Madaraka Day Celebrations to be hosted in Embu.

“I urge you to spend your night within Embu so that you secure seats because most times, senators are taken for-granted. We have seen severally senators being treated like lesser leaders and I want to inform Kenyans that the Senate is the upper house. I invite all of you to the fertile county with all types of crops including Miraa, Macadamia, and Mangoes among others, so that you ensure farmers benefit from the Madaraka Day celebrations,” Mundigi said.

Drama unfolded when Nairobi senator Edwin Sifuna rose on a point of order requesting Mundigi to withdraw his statement that Senators have no power and are deemed to be lesser leaders.
But even before senator Sifuna finished highlighting his point of order, Mundigi was up on a point of order, making the whole house burst into laughter.

”I don’t think it is right for Embu senator to say senators have no powers. Amesema anajua Maseneta hawana nguvu, nguvu ikona Magavana na serikali kuu. That is a very dangerous statement because we have constitutional power, if not for the Constitution we would not be here. I urge him to withdraw his statement,” Sifuna said.

 Kathuri saved time by saying that maybe Mundigi referred to other unknown powers.

A point of order may be raised if the rules appear to have been broken. This may interrupt a speaker during a debate or anything else if the breach of the rules warrants it.

The point is resolved before business continues.

Mundigi (56), shocked many after defeating Embu’s political bigwigs in the Senatorial race that had attracted 12 candidates among them the then-county governor and his deputy.

Mundigi floored former Embu Governor Martin Wambora and his deputy David Kariuki, incumbent Njeru Ndwiga, former National Assembly Chief Whip Norman Nyagah, and former Principal Secretary Lilian Mbogo Omollo in what was billed the battle of titans.

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