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Author archive for admin

  • Aug162018

    Tharaka man killed by kin over land dispute

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    A father of six from Kwang’ombe in Tharaka Nithi has been allegedly murdered by his relatives and his body burrieed…

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  • Aug162018

    Isiolo, Samburu leaders caution against sand harvesting in Ewaso Nyiro River

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    Leaders from Isiolo and Samburu have called for the conservation of Ewaso Nyiro River that serves residents of Samburu, Isiolo…

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  • Aug152018

    Meru: Tea farmers vow to sell their green leaves to private investor

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    By M’mbui Murithi A section of tea farmers from Dumee area in Kiegoi-Antubochia ward in Igembe South sub-county have decided…

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  • Aug152018

    Munya calls for closer trade ties

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    Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya has called for stronger continental trade ties. Speaking after a…

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  • Aug152018

    Embu: Residents protest against graft

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    Embu County residents have called on the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti to initiate investigations into the County government…

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  • Aug152018

    Meru MCAs impeachment bid flops as assembly clerk fails to show up

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    The planned impeachment of Meru County Assembly speaker Joseph Kaberia suffered a major setback after the assembly’s clerk failed to…

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  • Aug152018

    Samburu Pastoralists to benefit from modern hay store

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    The high cost of hay in Samburu is expected to drop significantly following the construction of a sh. 8 Million…

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  • Aug152018

    Meru, Tharaka Nithi leaders pledge support for building bridges initiative

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    A section of former members of parliament and businessmen from Meru and Tharaka Nithi have pledged their support for the…

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