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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Aug042018

    Meru: Woman saved from attempted suicide

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    A woman who said she’s from Embu has been rescued by boda boda riders and members of the public from…

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  • Aug042018

    Ruto calls on Meru leaders to back government agenda

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    Deputy President William Ruto has called on leaders from Meru to back the government’s Big Four Agenda. Speaking in Meru…

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  • Aug042018

    Meru County set to benefit from 2.2 billion sewerage project

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    Meru County is set to benefit from a massive 2.2 billion water and sewerage project with over 1 billion shillings…

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  • Aug032018

    House help pours hot porridge on colleague over fight for boyfriend in Embu

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    A house help in Embu has been charged for assaulting and injuring a fellow house help by pouring hot porridge…

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  • Aug032018

    Five Boda boda theft ring suspects arrested in Isiolo

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    Five people linked to a motorbike theft syndicate are being held by police in Isiolo. The five were arrested by…

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  • Aug032018

    Eight students charged with arson in Embu

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    Eight students of Kagwambiti Secondary School in Embu County accused of committing arson have been arraigned in court. The eight…

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  • Aug022018

    Menstrual Health Management Programme launched in Meru

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    The County Government of Meru through the office of county first lady has launched a menstrual health program that is…

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  • Aug022018

    Marsabit: Conservancy rangers feted

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    Conservancy rangers in Marsabit County have been lauded for their efforts in fighting poaching and enhancing security in the region…

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  • Aug022018

    Embu man tells court he smokes bhang because it’s “holy”

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    A 42-year-old man from Embu County charged with possession of 17 rolls of bhang left the court stunned after admitting…

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  • Aug022018

    Tharaka Nithi nurses threaten to strike over unpaid allowances

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    Nurses in Tharaka-Nithi County have threatened to go on strike within the next 21 days if they are not paid…

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