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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Dec062022

    EDITORIAL: Elective positions are about making, keeping and breaking the promises.

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    Many politicians break other people’s backs as they climb up their political ladder. Political careers are very expensive and always…

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  • Dec062022

    Guyo, Dullo, Mumina and MPs’ political promises to the residents of Isiolo County

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    By Correspondent On his campaign trail, like any other politician seeking favor from electorates, Abdi Ibrahim Guyo, alias Kayole, had…

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  • Dec062022

    Naivas supermarket opens its doors to Meru residents

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    By Eastern Correspondent Naivas Supermarket has opened its 86th branch in Meru, joining seven other stores in the fast-growing town…

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  • Dec062022

    Isiolo County Teacher Naftali Macharia comes full circle in football

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    By Hillary Mukasa The long-serving teacher was posted at Wabera Primary School in Isiolo in 1989. He was a footballer…

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  • Dec062022

    Lelelit, Lesuuda, Lentoijoni and Letipila promise to transform the lives of Samburu residents

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    By Eastern Correspondent Jonathan Lati Lelelit is the second Samburu county governor. Lelelit took the oath of office together with…

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  • Dec062022

    Puzzle of killer Tharaka Nithi honey claiming lives of consumers

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    By Dennis Mutua Tharaka has been making headlines in recent days over scary deaths of locals resulting from honey which…

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  • Dec062022

    Linturi takes over from Munya to make Kenya food secure through Agriculture

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Former Meru senator is a happy man, not only because he won many political and legal…

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  • Dec062022

    Meru clinical eye examination shock as 10 million risk being blind in 10 years

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent A random Clinical eye examination outreach at Nkubu town is worrying eye medical specialists after seven…

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  • Dec062022

    Joy as President Ruto rewards Tharaka Nithi residents with the first Cabinet Secretary

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    By Eastern Correspondent After many years of being in the cold, residents of Tharaka Nithi County are now celebrating after…

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  • Dec062022

    The Unsung Taekwondo Hero in Meru

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    By Hillary Mukasa It is a Monday evening and the KeMU Taekwondo team is having a rest after participating in…

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