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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Sep282020

    New KPCU and Maccu in a battle for Meru coffee farmers

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The unending long-drawn coffee wars in Meru County are on, as expected. On the red corner…

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  • Sep282020

    Kawira, Kiraitu Munya battle for Meru top seat

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Though it is a long way to the 2022 elections, the battle for Meru governor is…

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  • Sep282020

    Upper Eastern counties lead in livestock theft

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    By Simon Kobia Cattle rustling has been a major problem in many parts of Kenya as some communities turned it…

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  • Sep282020

    The story behind the Marsabit war cemetery

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    By Simon Kobia The Marsabit war cemetery is one of the more visible historical sites treasured in the vast region.…

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  • Sep282020

    Moyale – Wajir conflict resolved by talks and compensation

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    By Simon Kobia Leaders from both Marsabit and Wajir counties have resolved to look for a permanent solution for conflicts…

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  • Sep282020

    Details of Borana Gabra peace brewed in a police cell

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    By Simon Kobia When politicians and senior government officers from the former Eastern province and on a peace mission perished…

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  • Sep282020

    Governor Lenakulal’s plan of uplifting Maralal town

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    Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Samburu County Government is on the process of improving the status of Maralal town. Maralal for many…

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  • Sep282020

    Why the Samburu people love red clothes and hate permanent houses

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    BY SIYABONA Africa Cattle, goats, sheep, and camels, play a vital role in the Samburu way of life and culture.…

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  • Sep282020

    Hard-hit pastoralists rue losses because of coronavirus

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    By Sora Halake Horn of Africa service. As the spread of coronavirus hit Africa, the pastoralist communities have suffered lost…

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  • Sep282020

    Kinna residents cry to the government

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    By Simon Kobia Isiolo County is home to many central government and international military installations and personnel, with both having…

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