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Governor Lenakulal’s plan of uplifting Maralal town

Governor Lenakulal’s plan of uplifting Maralal town
September 28, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

Eastern Newspaper Correspondent

Samburu County Government is on the process of improving the status of Maralal town. Maralal for many years has been a major business hub in the county that serves as the county headquarters.

Samburu Governor Moses Lenakulal revealed to the Eastern Newspaper that his government is committed to ensuring that the residents of the town benefit from an ambitious plan of facelifting the town.

Speaking during the event of laying the foundation stone on the project, the Governor said Maralal town plays a critical role in the economy of the entire Samburu County, and it is of great importance for the government to improve the facilities at the town.

‘I laid the foundation stone for the construction of the one-story Maralal ultra-modern retail market. The project funded by the World Bank under the Kenya Urban Support Program (KUSP) will cost Kshs. 53.9 Million and the timeline for completion is 8 months. This will bring a major facelift for Maralal Municipality and provide adequate space for small scale retail traders’ Governor Kasaine said

Maralal is one of the major Miraa markets in the region, and Miraa traders expect a better market for the product if all plans are completed as planned.

The Governor further revealed that the program involves measures to take care of Miraa traders in the town and the entire County.

‘The old ‘Miraa’ market is being demolished to create space for the construction of an ultra-modern market. The occupants of the old market will be given priority in the allocation of stalls upon completion of the project. I challenged the Maralal Municipal Board and the management to demolish kiosks constructed along with road reserves and appropriately relocates the bus station and matatu terminus’ Governor Lenakulal added.

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