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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Sep282020

    Inside Senator Fatuma Dullo’s attacks on Kuti’s Government

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    By Simon Kobia Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo is hitting the ground running in efforts to have an impact on the…

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  • Sep282020

    How Isiolo MCAs are taming MPs

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The majority of the members of the Isiolo MCAs are making it difficult for the MPs…

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  • Sep282020

    How greed for wealth has invaded most Churches today- Bishop Stephen Kalunyu

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    By Simon Kobia Conflicts and fights over leadership in the mainstream and evangelical churches are a common phenomenon in Kenya…

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  • Sep172020

    How the Governors plan to spend your tax money

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    By Simon Kobia The question that should be bothering you is how your governor is using the hard-earned money that…

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  • Apr232020

    The role of Universities in developing sports in the community

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    By Hilary Mukasa, KeMU’s impact story  When you tell the story of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) through sports in Universities…

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  • Apr232020

    From Meru County to Turkey through football

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    By Hilary Mukasa Esse Akida’s star continues to shine brighter. The history of Esse Akida cannot be complete without the…

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  • Apr232020

    Women participation in Sports in Embu

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    By Hilary Mukasa, Whatever the measure, the source, the message is clear, women are not “Halfway to equal with men…

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  • Apr232020

    Breaking boundary through sports in Isiolo and Marsabit County

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    By Hilary Mukasa, Just like it is worldwide, sports in Isiolo County provide young people with opportunities for special interaction…

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  • Apr232020

    The Consolata Peace Tournament in Samburu was a success

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    By Hillary Mukasa, When the name Samburu County rings in our minds we picture Maralal the capital and largest town…

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  • Apr232020

    Chuka University holds Disability games

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    By Hilary Mukasa, Chuka University held disability games for sitting volleyball on 29th February and 1st March this year. Hosts…

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