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Inside Senator Fatuma Dullo’s attacks on Kuti’s Government

Inside Senator Fatuma Dullo’s attacks on Kuti’s Government
September 28, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Simon Kobia

Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo is hitting the ground running in efforts to have an impact on the works of impacting the lives of residents.

The Senator has focused her attention not only on the works of legislation at the senate but also on her presence in various development activities is being noticed.

In what many interpret as an agenda to outshine Governor Mohamed Kuti in terms of directly impacting lives, Senator Dullo has severally accused Dr. Kuti’s administration of failing to deliver to the satisfaction of residents.

Dullo was of the view that both the County Assembly and the Executive had not served the people or delivered in the infrastructure and health sectors, one of their main grievances.

Recently, the vocal legislator initiated a rural electrification project in Oldonyiro, an area engulfed in darkness for ages. Dullo said her project is geared towards uplift the lives of the residents who have suffered for long.

With electricity, she said, education, small enterprise, and other development activities will be transformed drastically.

She told the Eastern Newspaper that she will try her best to ensure the national government projects are implemented in various parts of the semi-arid county.

‘I wish to thank the national government and Bank of India for this project which will benefit the residents immensely. As promised the project will be completed within this year and all unskilled laborers will be locals to ensure the residents earn from the project’ the Senator said.

Governor Kuti and Senator Dullo have been at loggerheads on how development activities should be carried on at the county. Kuti has severally accused the senator of politicizing his projects, for political mileage.

Speaking to the press recently, Kuti accused Dullo of not playing her rightful role of legislation in Parliament and instead meddling with the devolved unit’s work.

She also challenged the County Assembly to allocate more resources for the health sector instead of keeping on supporting the executive and forgetting their role of oversight.

“The Sh40 million recently approved by the county assembly should be directed towards the provision of essentials such as face masks, sanitizers, isolation wards in every Sub-county hospital and supporting poor families to get through this difficult period,”  Dullo said, after visiting Isiolo Level 5 hospital.

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