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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Apr232020

    Youngster finds satisfaction in colony division, bee stocking


    By Mugendi Kangichu Morris Mugambi Njeru calls a bodaboda operator a few minutes after 7 pm. The rider assures him…

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  • Apr232020

    Eating locust can give men sexual power’ – Embu speaker

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The invasion of desert locust in all the counties in upper eastern Kenya, brought with it…

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  • Apr232020

    Runyenjes man makes mobile APP to counter fake news

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    By Mugendi Kangichu A famous saying goes; Necessity is the mother of invention. And this is what ran through the…

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  • Apr232020

    Why Kiirua Hospital canceled patient visits

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    By Caroline Muriuki As the Corona Virus (COVID – 19) continues to sweep across the world, various precautionary measures have…

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  • Apr232020

    Gender policy and anti- beading policy takes shape in Samburu

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    By Samburu County Communications Office Samburu County Department of Culture, Gender and Social Services, is in the process of developing…

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  • Apr232020

    How Samburu County residents have benefited from an empowerment program imitated by Ripples International

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Poverty-struck communities in Samburu which are hunger-prone under the harsh climate and lack of support, have…

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  • Apr232020

    How necklaces open Samburu girls to sexuality

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    The Samburu traditions and lifestyle are closely linked to those of the Maasai and the Rendille, including clothing; men wear…

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  • Apr232020

    Boil or wash Miraa before chewing’ Governor Kuti directs.

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    By Simon Kobia Isiolo Governor Mohamed Kuti has advised the residents of his county who consume Miraa and Muguka to…

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  • Apr232020

    Isiolo residents urged to improve on eating managu and wimbi ugali

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    By Simon Kobia The world food program in conjunction with the county government of Isiolo formed a group of Technical…

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  • Apr232020

    Kenya announces tender for Isiolo-Mandera road project

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    By Dominic Mandela Construction review Kenya has floated an international tender for the construction of the Isiolo-Mandera road. The Kenya…

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