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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Apr232020

    Leaders decry the high number of Alcohol joints in Meru County

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The number of alcohol drinking joints stocking bad liquor in Meru is harming economic development, residents…

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  • Apr232020

    Why Counties should take back health services to the National Government

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    By Eastern Newspaper team For a while now debate has been raging on whether county governments can handle the crucial…

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  • Apr232020

    Calls for large scale farms and conservancies lease review

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Large scale flower farms, conservancies and horticulture farms are those which might be affected if calls…

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  • Apr232020

    Railway line plan for Eastern counties to boost economy

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The national government has kicked off the rehabilitation of the 240-km Nairobi-Nanyuki Railway line, with another…

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  • Feb182020

    Governor Ali to elevate Marsabit and Moyale into Municipalities

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        By Marsabit County Communication, Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali has signed a charter to govern the operations of Marsabit…

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  • Feb182020

    He dropped out of school but found success in seedling business

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      BY MUGENDI KANGICHU When Morris Gakuru dropped out of school in Form Two for lack of fees, he thought…

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  • Feb182020

    Embu seeks support in fight against disease

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      BY MUGENDI KANGICHU Embu County Health Executive Dr. Joan Mwende has called for help from charity organizations as the…

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  • Feb182020

    Shock as Taita Taveta Government bans ‘Muguka’

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      By Mashariki News Correspondent The Taita Taveta government banned the sale of Muguka in the region, with Governor Granton…

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  • Feb182020

    Kiambere, where crocodiles terrorize thirsty community

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      A local fetches water oozing from a sand-ferrying truck. Residents of Kiambeere ward wait for these trucks at Mutuobare…

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  • Feb152020

    Where you are likely to die in Upper Eastern Kenya

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    While thinking about death is almost taboo for some people, but dying is not as bad as people think-according to…

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