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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Jun272019

    Former PM calls for reforms in the tea sector, removal of KTDA Board

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    Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has called for reforms in the tea sector to cushion farmers from exploitation and bring…

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  • Jun272019

    Isiolo Police recover 36 stolen camels, arrest two suspects

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    Police in Isiolo on Wednesday intercepted and recovered 36 camels believed to have been stolen from Sabarwawa in Merti sub-county…

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  • Jun272019

    Tharaka Nithi businessmen in trouble over banned plastic bags

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    Credit KNA Two businessmen have been arrested in Tharaka Nithi County for being in possession of plastic bags more than…

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  • Jun262019

    Government to shut down radio stations propagating hate in Marsabit

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    Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiang’i has called for the closure of radio stations in Marsabit believed to be spreading…

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  • Jun262019

    Isiolo County employees to sign performance contracts

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    Employees of the county Government of Isiolo will soon start working under performance contracts in a bid to better service…

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  • Jun262019

    Why the Auditor General wants IFMIS split

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    The Auditor General Edward Ouko has called for splitting of the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) for the National…

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  • Jun252019

    Teachers to be feted for foiling arson attacks in schools

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    Teachers who foil school fires will be rewarded in a bid to encourage their colleagues, Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George…

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  • Jun242019

    Isiolo traders form Sacco to tackle poverty, grow businesses

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    Credit KBC Vegetable sellers, bodaboda riders, shop owners and other professionals in Isiolo County have joined hands to establish a…

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  • Jun242019

    CS Munya denies plot to eliminate DP Ruto

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    Four Cabinet Secretaries from the Mount Kenya region have been grilled by detectives at the DCI headquarters over an alleged…

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  • Jun212019

    Re-emergence of plastic bags worries NEMA

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    Residents of Embu County have been warned against the continued use of banned plastic paper bags. According to Embu County…

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