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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Jun212019

    KFS, NCPWD target to plant 17,000 seedlings in Ontulili

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    The Kenya Forest Service (KFS) in partnership with the National Council for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWD) has embarked on a…

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  • Jun202019

    Isiolo residents told to surrender illegal firearms

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    Isiolo residents who are in possession of illegal firearms have been urged to surrender their weapons to the authorities or…

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  • Jun202019

    Former Presidential aspirant nabbed with 445kgs of bhang in Marsabit

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    Police in Marsabit on Wednesday night nabbed 445 kilograms of bhang valued at Ksh.13.35 Million and arrested one person in…

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  • Jun202019

    Sports promoting Peace in Marsabit

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    By Hillary Mukasa Worldwide sports are an instrument for promoting peace, as it disregards both geographical borders and social classes.…

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  • Jun202019

    Kuti adopts new ways of dealing with county government staff

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    By Mashariki Correspondent  Eventually, the county government of Isiolo has launched a Human Resource Policy and Procedures Manual, Code of…

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  • Jun192019

    Isiolo residents decry discrimination over County government contracts

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    By Mashariki Correspondent Contractors and Jua Kali artisans in Isiolo have expressed their disappointment by Isiolo County government for not…

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  • Jun192019

    Isiolo traders want the Government to complete Wakulima market quickly

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    By Mashariki Correspondent Isiolo residents and traders want speedy completion of the market being constructed by the County Government in…

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  • Jun192019

    Residents living in fear of electrocution

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    By Mashariki Correspondent Residents of Muiri in Wiru Ward in Chogoria, Tharaka Nithi have protested low hanging electricity lines which…

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  • Jun192019

    ‘Distractors will not hinder me from delivering’- Governor Njuki

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    By Mashariki Correspondent Tharaka Nithi governor, Muthomi Njuki has expressed his commitment to fulfilling his election pledges as he serves…

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  • Jun192019

    Why people love the traditional tobacco ‘ Kiraiku

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    By Mashariki Correspondent Even as the tobacco industry mourns the death of Mastermind Tobacco boss Wilfred Murungi, local dealers are…

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