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‘Distractors will not hinder me from delivering’- Governor Njuki

‘Distractors will not hinder me from delivering’- Governor Njuki
June 19, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By Mashariki Correspondent

Tharaka Nithi governor, Muthomi Njuki has expressed his commitment to fulfilling his election pledges as he serves residents as Governor.

In his Madaraka day speech Governor, Njuki revealed that his government has already partnered with development partners like the World Bank to transform the county by initiating and completing various development projects.

He said among his key areas of concentration is the improvement of the urban centers to boost trade and grow the economy of Tharaka Nithi.

‘Our development partners, the World Bank, have provided funding to help us improve to a Municipality status and with this, I call on the county’s leaders to join hands and help us give the county a new face’ governor Njuki said.

He assured the residents who are mainly farmers that his government has set aside resources and approved plans and programs of ensuring that the local farmers benefit from their economic activity that is playing a crucial role in ensuring food security in the county and even beyond.

‘On Agriculture which is the backbone of our economy, my government has increased funding to key agricultural sectors such as enrolling more extension officers’ Njuki added Recently the executive arm of the county government of Tharaka Nithi has been seen working well with the county assembly on various issues that are aimed at trying to solve perennial problems that the residents of Tharaka, Chuka Igambang’ombe and Maara have been facing.

Unlike before the Governor and his Deputy Francis Kagwima have recently been seen working together in various development engagements, where governor Njuki has assured the residents that he and his deputy still share the same dream.

‘Together with my deputy, we promised to spur development within and without the Kathwana Municipality to the detriment of detractors. Development is our goal and I call upon all leaders to come together as we aim high.’ Governor Njuki said.

The County chief also reminded the residents of his government’s commitment to addressing social and welfare issues especially to the aged in the county. He promised to support the freedom fighters from the county in various ways as a way of appreciating their role in fighting for the independence of this country.

‘The County Government of Tharaka Nithi through the department of culture, will from now henceforth take up the burden of our country’s heroes and heroines as we seek to honor their sacrifice in realizing Kenya’s independence’ the governor said.

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