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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Oct252018

    Isiolo leaders laud partnership with Living Goods for provision of health services

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    Leaders from Isiolo County have lauded the partnership between the County Government and the Living Goods organization that will see…

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  • Oct242018

    Isiolo: Governor Kuti bemoans lack of title deeds among locals

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    Isiolo County Governor Mohammed Kuti has lamented the lack of title deeds among the residents and called on the National…

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  • Oct232018

    Governor Lenolkulal calls on parents to enroll children in schools

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    Samburu Goveror Moses Lenolkulal has called on parents in the County to enroll their children in learning institutions across the…

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  • Oct182018

    Governor, two MPs grilled by DCI over Marsabit skirmishes

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    Detectives from DCI Embu have grilled Marsabit Governor Mohamud Mohammed, Saku MP Ali Rasso and his North Horr counterpart Chachu…

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  • Oct172018

    Marsabit: Tension high as residents flee clash torn Shurr

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    Residents of Shurr, Marsabit County have been forced to flee their homes following ethnic clashes that have claimed eight lives.…

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  • Oct172018

    Embu leaders call for structured all-inclusive dialogue in referendum calls

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    A section of leaders from Embu County have backed calls for a referendum on amending the Constitution but called for…

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  • Oct172018

    Meru MCAs oppose plans to share Miraa funds

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    Members of the County Assembly of Meru have opposed plans to have funds allocated to the Miraa kitty shared with…

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  • Oct162018

    Munene, Nyaguthii emerge top in Embu road race

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    Morris Munene and Caroline Nyaguthii are the champions of the inaugural edition of the University of Embu road race. Munene,…

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  • Oct162018

    CS Munya backs calls for referendum

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    Trade, Industrialization and Cooperatives CS Peter Munya has thrown his weight behind the calls for a referendum. Speaking in Kisima…

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  • Oct162018

    Marsabit Governor condemns recent skirmishes

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    Marsabit County Governor Mohamud Ali has condemned in the strongest terms the skirmishes that have rocked parts of the county…

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