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Meru MCAs oppose plans to share Miraa funds

Meru MCAs oppose plans to share Miraa funds
October 17, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Members of the County Assembly of Meru have opposed plans to have funds allocated to the Miraa kitty shared with farmers in Embu and Tharaka Nithi.

Speaking during a visit from the Miraa Task Force Implementation Committee, the ward representatives led by Majority Leader Victor Karithi, said that the funds were solely meant to cushion Miraa farmers adding that muguka was not affected by the market ban in the UK and parts of Europe.

“We would like to know at what point Embu and Tharaka-Nithi counties were included in the miraa kitty. We do not want our money to be taken elsewhere. However, this clamour should not be used as an excuse for not releasing the money,” Karithi said.

Antubetwe Kiongo MCA George Kaliunga called on local MPs to break their silence on the matter and fight for the miraa farmers.

“Our MPs should stop being silent on this matter when money meant to cushion miraa farmers is being diverted to farmers in other counties. We will not take this matter lightly,” he said.

However, Miraa Task Force Implementation Committee Chairman Kello Harsama moved to allay the MCAs fears pointing out that the funds would be spent on promoting miraa adding that a portion of the funds while be channeled to muguka farmers according to a directive by the National Treasury.

“We urge leaders to keep politics out of the miraa programmes to avert further implementation delays. We are meeting all stakeholders and we will seek their views before we undertake any project. We are open to oversight and we will not take instructions from individuals,” Harsama added.


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