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  • Sep182023

    The body chemisty that drives happiness and success in your business, workplace, and studies

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    By Titus Kinoti Happiness in human beings activates several areas of the brain including the right frontal cortex, the precuneus,…

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  • Sep142023

    How Azimio lost to Kithure Kindiki in the three day maandamano campaign

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    By Ichenga Mugao 1. Monotony of approach They employed a uniform approach for the three days. They never changed tact.…

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  • Sep122023

    Who will be the next political King of Meru?

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    By Alex Kiambi Since independence, Meru has always had a king whom the community looked up to for political guidance…

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  • Jul102023

    OPINION-Winning workplace politics and political plastic surgery

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    In any organization that you will be working for, you will find politics whether you like it or not. By…

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  • Jun022023

    Calls to split Meru County ill-motivated and divisive says Njuri Ncheke

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    By Gerald Mutethia The revered Njuri Ncheke Council of Elders has rejected calls for splitting Meru County into Nyambene and…

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  • Apr032023

    Editorial: Governor, MCAs Unity Should be embraced and supported

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    Unity between the Meru county governor, Bishop Kawira Mwangaza, and members of the County Assembly led by speaker Ayub Bundi…

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  • Apr032023

    How Meru University VC bounced back after controversial ouster

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    By Gerald Mutethia The Meru University of Science and Technology VC Romanus Odhiambo referred to by students as Comrade’s ‘sweetheart’…

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  • Mar282023

    Food and Farming Politics – This is what is ailing the food industry today

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    By TITUS KINOTI; AUTHOR & AGRICULTURE EXPERT From time immemorial, the policies of governments have shaped food and farming practices.…

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  • Feb102023

    Is Kiraitu’s party on the verge of collapse as members shift allegiance to Governor ni Mama?

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    By Correspondent Former Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi’s declaration to retire from active politics after defeat by Governor Mwangaza has left…

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  • Dec122022

    Mr. President: we need to bring back the barter trade and have hybrid system to be food secure

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    By Titus Kinoti Food is a basic necessity and a basic need. It’s a basic human right to have food…

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