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Calls to split Meru County ill-motivated and divisive says Njuri Ncheke

Calls to split Meru County ill-motivated and divisive says Njuri Ncheke
June 2, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Njuri Ncheke Shrine

By Gerald Mutethia
The revered Njuri Ncheke Council of Elders has rejected calls for splitting Meru County into Nyambene and Imenti counties.
Josphat Murangiri and Washington Muthamia, their programs and operations secretaries have faulted the patriarchal Meru men’s ego that is allegedly deceiving some politicians to promote the splitting of the county into two.
Murangiri said the County should be split for posterity not to create a post for a politician thirsty for leadership.
“I want men like me, we are the people who elected Mama, don’t be ashamed but go back to the drawing board,” Murangiri said.
Murangiri said the constitution is clear and has laid down procedures including the collection of signatures and support from other 24 counties that must be met for any splitting to happen.
 “What are we going to benefit with, let’s Sit down and reason together as Meru people. Let’s stop politics of division, and respect every elected leader. A coach knows how to select their own players and each governor has their own Manifesto. There is no permanent position in the government and transfers do happen to effect transformation and championing developments,” he said on Thursday during the 60th Madaraka Day celebrations at Kunene Secondary School in Nkomo Ward, Tigania West, Meru.
Meru Senator Kathuri Murungi, MPs Mpuru Aburi (Tigania East), Mugambi Rindikiri (Buuri), and Rahim Dawood (Imenti North) have expressed support for the splitting of the county.
Muthamia said the demands for splitting do not meet the threshold and called for peaceful coexistence among the Meru sub-tribes.
“We do not reject the proposal o split County. Let’s agree and send MPs to present the petition but desist from ‘Pesa nane’ political rhetorics. People need development. Questions are there to be asked for transparency by leaders but not on in forums that are not in the constitution or politically motivated,” Muthamia said.

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