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PAC summons Sports PS Kirimi Kaberia over Sh1.7bn IAAF tourney scandal

PAC summons Sports PS Kirimi Kaberia over Sh1.7bn IAAF tourney scandal
August 23, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

The National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chaired by Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi has issued summons for Sports Principal Secretary (PS) ambassador Kirimi Kaberia over the Sh1.7 billion 2017 International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) world under 18 youth championship scandal.

“We have invited Sports officials to appear and respond to the latest supposed scandal. The Auditor General is raising serious issues of misappropriation. The PS will have to come with all the officers involved in procurement,” said Wandayi.

A report by Auditor general Edward Ouko pointed out that the Sports ministry could not account for Sh1.7 billion out of the Sh3.5 billion allocated for the global tournament.

The report indicates that the ministry flouted procurement laws and made unsupported payments for the global event. It further showed that the State Department for Sports and Development was allocated Sh1.7 billion, Sports Kenya Sh1.1 billion and Kenyatta University Sh689.6 million.

Ouko says the ministry procured taxi services from Pewin Cabs Ltd at a cost of Sh23.8 million above the market rate. He adds that Ouko his office could not ascertain the expenditure of Sh350 million as there was no competitive procurement.

The auditor’s report revealed that another Sh67.5 million was paid to M/S Patel studio to procure media agency services and Sh70.5 million to M/S Inter Management Group for sports marketing and events.


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