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Don’t politicize the Universal Health Care program, CS Kariuki urges Isiolo residents

Don’t politicize the Universal Health Care program, CS Kariuki urges Isiolo residents
November 13, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Sicily Kariuki has called on leaders and residents of Isiolo County not to politicize the Universal Health Care (UHC) program.

Speaking in Isiolo during the launch of UHC registration drive, CS Kariuki urged residents to focus on the benefits that they are set to enjoy under the program and shun petty politics that aim at undermining the program.

Kariuki reiterated the government’s commitment in ensuring the success of the project adding that the National Government has already set aside funds to ensure the sustainability of the project in Isiolo County.

“If we politicize this matter then we shall not go anywhere. Where there is a lot of politics development tends to stall. I appeal to all of you not to politicize the program in order for all of us to reap its benefits.” CS Kariuki said.

Isiolo Governor Dr. Mohammed Kuti said the pilot programme will help improve the poor health indicators in the county among them maternal deaths which currently stands at 790 out of 100,000 live births, low immunization, and neonatal mortality.

The Governor further appealed to the CS to petition the nursing council to consider the cut off points required for Certificate courses in community health nursing at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) up to D+ to increase the number of students from Isiolo who enroll at the institution.

Isiolo county is among the four counties selected to pilot the UHC program with the others being Nyeri, Kisumu and Machakos counties.

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