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Government to promote Kenya as investment destination

Government to promote Kenya as investment destination
November 1, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

President Uhuru Kenyatta has reiterated his administration’s commitment in ensuring Kenya becomes a destination of choice for investors.

Speaking in Statehouse following the release of the World Bank ease of doing business index, where Kenya jumped 19 places from position 80 to rank 61st globally, President Kenyatta attributed the performance to various reforms carried out by the government.

The President however noted that there was need for more work to be done to create a legal and predictable environment for businesses.

“My government’s aspiration is to make Kenya the best destination of choice for investors. The battle to create a legal and predictable environment for business continues. We have put in place various measures that will ensure the SMEs in our country are protected and they too enjoy the benefits of the Ease of Doing Business. We must continue to implement these regulations.” President Kenyatta said.

Deputy President William Ruto echoed the head of state sentiments adding that a reduction in the government process will drastically reduce corruption in the country.

“As we cut down on government processes and digitise government services we expect that incidences of corruption will go down” Ruto said.

The DP lauded efforts by the various state and non-state actors in ensuring the Country remains attractive to investors. He expressed his confidence in Trade CS Munya ability to ensure that Kenya is among the top 50 investment destination globally.

“Under CS Munya there is no reason why we should be unable to achieve our targets” Ruto added.

Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary (CS) Munya pledged to maintain the momentum and achieve the set targets before 2020. He called on various Government agencies and the private sectors to work together in order to make Kenya a destination for investors.

He however noted that there was need to digitize land transactions to further make the transfer of property easy.

“The targets we have set are achievable. However, it is important to digitise all land transactions to make transfer of property easy. Access to credit facilities by SMEs should also be addressed” CS Munya said.

The CS further called for conceited efforts in coming up with a legal framework that will help small businesses put up shop and help grow the economy.

“We must come up with legal framework and regulatory processes to help small businesses” Munya added.


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